I suppose I'm sort of pretentious. I like to sound fancy (given my personal definition of fanciness that's probably not in tune with reality)
Self-important. Egocentric. Whatever. I know I make a big fat deal deal about pointless things and minor happenings.
Well. It's just so happens that the time around here moves at a snail's pace and any minor thing is a big deal.
Demotivation has been reaching brand new levels. Can't even bother talking to people I really like nowdays. Just look at them and give up after a bit. They'll write to me if they need me at sooner or later. I've got my poisons to waste my time while I wait.
There's a fault in that logic though. Some (well, just one person, really) are just too busy and we don't really have that many intersecting vectors of communication. So i have to rely on them (one person) remembering about me, because there's fuck all I can think about when it comes to starting a conversation and most of the time it just gets ignored anyways. And therein lies the problem: said person used to talk to me every two weeks. Reliable. Like a clockwork. But it's been 3 weeks and naffing, nada, nix. I guess we are drifting apart slowly, like it happened with other people before. This is sort of frustrating. Please do remember about me soon! I'll be happy.
Sometimes I'll use this diary to leave messages to people who won't read them.
a bit more junk
Self-important. Egocentric. Whatever. I know I make a big fat deal deal about pointless things and minor happenings.
Well. It's just so happens that the time around here moves at a snail's pace and any minor thing is a big deal.
Demotivation has been reaching brand new levels. Can't even bother talking to people I really like nowdays. Just look at them and give up after a bit. They'll write to me if they need me at sooner or later. I've got my poisons to waste my time while I wait.
There's a fault in that logic though. Some (well, just one person, really) are just too busy and we don't really have that many intersecting vectors of communication. So i have to rely on them (one person) remembering about me, because there's fuck all I can think about when it comes to starting a conversation and most of the time it just gets ignored anyways. And therein lies the problem: said person used to talk to me every two weeks. Reliable. Like a clockwork. But it's been 3 weeks and naffing, nada, nix. I guess we are drifting apart slowly, like it happened with other people before. This is sort of frustrating. Please do remember about me soon! I'll be happy.
a bit more junk
Хотел бы поделиться с вами своим значимым опытом поиска отличного автосервиса в Оренбурге. После нескольких разочарований, я наконец нашел то место, которым действительно остался доволен — AutoLife56.
Что мне особенно понравилось в AutoLife, так это качество работы каждого специалиста этого сервиса. Мастера не только с высокой точностью решили проблему с моим автомобилем, но и предоставили ценные советы по его дальнейшему обслуживанию.
Мне кажется важным поделиться этой информацией с вами, так как знаю, насколько сложно порой найти действительно надежный сервис. Если вы ищете надежный автосервис в Оренбурге, рекомендую обратить внимание на АвтоЛайф, расположенный по адресу: г. Оренбург, ул. Берёзка, 20, корп. 2. Они работают с 10:00 до 20:00 без выходных, и более подробную информацию вы можете найти на их сайте: https://autolife56.ru/.
Надеюсь, мой опыт окажется ценным для кого-то из вас. Буду рад узнать о ваших впечатлениях, если решите воспользоваться услугами AutoLife.
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Откройте для себя о АвтоЛайфе: преимущества в уходе за автомобилях в Оренбурге Не пропустите: AutoLife56 — ответ на ваши вопросы в мире авторемонта в Оренбурге Знакомство о сервисе AutoLife56: почему мы в уходе за автомобилях в Оренбурге Не забывайте: АвтоЛайф 56 — ответ на ваши вопросы в мире авторемонта в Оренбурге Не пропустите: автосервис AutoLife — ваш выбор в мире авторемонта в Оренбурге 8daab7e
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